Wednesday, March 18, 2020

update and what has been going on :/

Hello bloggers!

I wanted to update everyone on what has been happening in our filming process and why there hasn't been consisent uploads.

As you all know, or if you somehow don't, the COVID-19 or Corona Virus pandemic has affected everyday life including regular school and work routine. Due to this, self- quarentine is being recommended for everyone to prevent the spreading of the virus. Schools and various public places have closed restricting the amount of human contact. So there is good news and bad news, the good news is that our group filmed all the shots needed to complete our vision. The bad news is that because we are all stuck in our houses, we can't meet up to commence the editing process, our license request to use the song for our video hasn't been answered meaning that our editing process is also on a roadblock, and all the shots are on our partner Gaby's computer so we have no access to anything. We need to start looking for alternative songs and begin editing to make sure everything is ready for the due date.

I will try and upload anything that I can regarding our project and process but as of now, we are in an obstacle that we need to get to and there isn't much I can post with the circumstances. I wish you all to be safe, wash your hands, and keep distance to make this quarentine faster so we can normalize our lives again.

Until next time,
                        Jess :)

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Creative Critical Reflection

To end this long awaited journey off, I present my CCR and my last blog for this project. Enjoy :) Alternative link: https://drive.g...