Sunday, March 29, 2020

Editing time

After all the planning, brainstorming, filming, and communicating, it's time to sit down and edit what we have created for our project to complete it's vision. Our group parnter, Gaby, has a great editing software and enjoys editing so she really wanted to take the lead on this part of the project. The rest of the group members and I helped her with anything she needed like the order of the shots, the font of the credits, the credits placement, and the music and when there was sound or not. We all pieced in our creative input and it all came out into a great film opening.

Adobe After Effects is the editing program Gaby used to put our project together. I do know a bit about editing and how to put clips together with different effects but not as much to be able to use this program so I'm glad we have Gaby in our group. I still want to talk about what Adobe After Effects has to offer and it's advantages.

According to Storyblock, the advantages of this editing software is the ability to "layer multiple audio and visual clips on top of each other and use the software’s many tools to blend them all together, adding visual effects, and the ability to make title and 2D animations." These benefits match our needs well because we want to layer several clips to have the visuals but also the music, we need to add credits since this is an opening, and everything on the software is organized and easily accessible to make the process go smooth since editing can be stressful and time consuming.

Tuesday, March 24, 2020


Hi everyone!!

Though COVID-19 is keeping us in quarentine, our group is advancing with our projects so then we can complete our CCR's. Our first choice in the song that we want to include was Sparks by Coldplay since it complements the tone of our video. To be able to use the song in the video Gaby filled a liscense request and submitted it. We waited a while but we needed to begin editing and Corona was making it harder for an email back. I decided to just look for other songs that could still match the tone and give off the same effect. I went to Youtube and did some searching and here were the top selections.

1. Woods- Acoustic Folk/Background Music

Gaby found this song and I thought it was a possible option because it was a soft song and I could see it fit into the happy moments. However, I thought it was more on the country-ish side and was a little too upbeat for the video because our story revolves around a lost parent and their grieving teenager.

2. Tranquility- Chill Lofi Hip Hop Beat

With this soundtrack, we immediately discarded it as soon as the best dropped. We had some hope in the beginning with the slow progression, the subtle beats, and the piano but then 20 seconds in the vibe of the song and the video don't match and we had to keep looking.

3. The simple things- Free Billie Eilish Type Beat

As I was searching, this beat came up on the side bar for recommended videos. It was appealing to me so I clicked it on and instantly felt a connection. With every song, I would put the clips and theme into my head and visualize what it would look and feel like. As soon as I heard the first beat, I was hooked and kept listening more and more until I was half way into the song and knew this was a highly likeable suggestion. I shared with the rest of the group members and we were on board with using this song for the video.

Sunday, March 22, 2020


None of the scenes and shots taken would of been possible without one special and important tool. The camera. Nowadays, it's so much easier and accessible to record something with the use of our phones. One red button allows us to catch endless memories that we can look backward on at anytime. I want to take time to talk about the camera my group used and how it allowed us to capture nicely colored and crisp shots.

Though I'm not an expert on specifications and features of cameras, I did do a bit of research and found out all about the Canon EOS Rebel T6i. I went to the direct source of the camera first, the Canon website. I found the camera and scrolled down to see why the camera is worth purchasing. According to the source, "its high-resolution 24.2 Megapixel CMOS (APS-C) sensor, updated light-metering system, advanced AF,  and EOS Scene Analysis system" all contribute into natural and perfectly detailed shots with approporate lighting and exposure. "The built-in Wi-Fi® and NFC" allow for easy access to all the photos and videos taken. With the features provided by Canon, this camera adequate for what we are filming but I wanted to see from one more source that may be less biased. says that compared to the T6, the T6i is the better option. The camera has a complete touch screen with higher resolution that eases the process of ,"manipulating the camera settings from any shooting angle without having to fiddle with tiny buttons you can’t see." Additional features include a "built-in microphone, UHS memory card support, and the ability to be controlled remotely by your smartphone" which all cater to the convenience of the user.

Both sources confirm that this camera is useful in providing a clean shot with proper coloring and lighting that will give us the effects we are looking for throughout our opening.

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

update and what has been going on :/

Hello bloggers!

I wanted to update everyone on what has been happening in our filming process and why there hasn't been consisent uploads.

As you all know, or if you somehow don't, the COVID-19 or Corona Virus pandemic has affected everyday life including regular school and work routine. Due to this, self- quarentine is being recommended for everyone to prevent the spreading of the virus. Schools and various public places have closed restricting the amount of human contact. So there is good news and bad news, the good news is that our group filmed all the shots needed to complete our vision. The bad news is that because we are all stuck in our houses, we can't meet up to commence the editing process, our license request to use the song for our video hasn't been answered meaning that our editing process is also on a roadblock, and all the shots are on our partner Gaby's computer so we have no access to anything. We need to start looking for alternative songs and begin editing to make sure everything is ready for the due date.

I will try and upload anything that I can regarding our project and process but as of now, we are in an obstacle that we need to get to and there isn't much I can post with the circumstances. I wish you all to be safe, wash your hands, and keep distance to make this quarentine faster so we can normalize our lives again.

Until next time,
                        Jess :)

Saturday, March 14, 2020

BTS Pt.2 :)

Hi friends!!! 

Here is a little montage of our second filming day where we wrapped up the rest of the shots. Sit back, relax, and enjoy.

Thursday, March 12, 2020


Hola amigos y amigas! 

I hope you all have been doing good and enjoying each new post I publish. Today I want to talk about representation and how we are using this to diversify our film opening. This is a highly important topic that more consumers should know about and appreciate when they see it any piece of media they view.

The media industry is continually improving with new innovations and technology, software, actors, film ideas, distribution methods, and the list can go on and on. However one important topic that is doing better but isn't there yet is representation. Representation is crucial in a film opening because it,"means that America can finally see itself in all its multicultural, multiracial, beautiful self, there's more minorities than stereotypes, and it can make disadvantaged groups become real people". ( I've talked about this previously but, when you watch a movie or film a majority of the time the actors and actresses are white. There is minor culture and diversity in productions making media fail at representing and celebrating the vast amount of cultures and races in the world and America. The more inclusion of minorities and women, the higher rate in popularity and income the show or film will receive.

In our film opening, we are including representation of women and hispanics as our lead role in the movie is a female teenager and her family and background is hispanic. This especailly hits home because as I am the lead role, I am able to show the audience my culture and what my parents have taught me about my background. Our culture and rate in popularity increases awarness for the minority groups. 

The more diverse representation, the better the media industry will do increasing their income and future in media production.

Sunday, March 8, 2020

BTS :)

Throughout filming day 1 we created a behind the scenes little montage to show our process, any funny moments, and whats happening as we film each shot. Hope you enjoy and we will continue doing this to capture the best moments about this whole project!

Mise en scene

The use of color is crticial is any piece because it helps set the tone of where the movie is going. The darker the colors the more serious, sad tone while bright, colorful outfits and lighting fulfill a happy tone. Here are some of the outfits that we used to film during week 1 of each memory or scene and how they help set the tone.

The blue shirt with the black hollister shorts gives a nice, comfy home vibe that the daughter is wearing while making pancakes with her father.

The gray sweater is worn when the daughter is confiding in the father while crying and the true bond they have is highlighted.


The main places for filming will be the family's house which is my house. Picuted below we have the dinning room table where the homework is taught, the kitchen where the pancakes are cooked, and the daughter's bedroom where she doesn't want to leave after her father has passed.

What's coming up?

Our first filming day is around the corner and Sunday will be a productive day for the group.

It's easier for our group to make a list of shots and what we envision and then film many different shots instead of drawing a storyboard.

Here we have the memory sequence with the credits rolling followed by the title card and the real life events after the dad has passed away. The emotions between the father and daughter vary between happy, sad, frusturated, and more. We want to transition between each moment with a fade in and out or possibly a graphic match. There will be a clear difference between the memories and the reality. Complete quietness, low lighting, and dark colors for outfits will clarify when the opening is in reality and out of the past.

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

There's no "I" in team!

Today in class we talked about our projects and what can be improved or added to make the film opening the best it can be. The people in my group liked the concept and message my group wants to portray. I got great geedback back that I want to share here and why it can improve the piece.

To avoid the montage and chessy effect while showing the memories that emphasize the relationship between the daughter and dad, we can have the girl walking or having a normal day and when she looks around she sees things that remind her. For example, having another father and daughter walking while she walks alone, a bike passing by and her being reminded of the bike rides she used to go on. We have thought about including this but are leaning more towards having the memory sequence with the credits rolling. Our main focus is highlighting the loneliness she feels inside and how her family is broken. I think our group can truly create something great that can represent our meesage and show how every teenager is different and has their own story.

The other members in the group also have great film openings that I think are interesting and unique.

Ana Jurado and her partner Luis are depicting a coming of age drama where a teenage girl is trying to find her true identity- music or popularity? This a relatable piece that can be engaging and we helped her figure out an idea for the title. "My own way" was brought up by Camila because the teenager is learning how to do things her own and make her own decisions without getting pressured by social expectations.

Camila Criscola wants to illustrate an opening on the seriousness of bullying and suicide. She wants to show a teeange girl suffering each day from verbal bullying to the point where she can't take it anymore and ends up taking her own life. She needed a title as well and Robert came up with a great idea to incorpoarte the saying, "sticks and stones may break my bones but words can never hurt me." Its ironic though because words are what is hurting this teenage girl. The title is intriguing yet mysterious as to what is going to happen.

Sydney Surico and her group members, Irene and Valentina, are making a film opening about a 1970's teenage girl who knows she is lesbian; however, she cannot expose this because it wasn't socially acceptable back then. With the use of definite color and unique style on the teeange girl and shots that make it obvious to the audience that the teenager is attracted to the same sex can be interesting and engaging, even relatable to some.

Oliver Sulla and his group members are really taking a cool concept by filming a piece about how social media and being an influence can be all an act. How after time, these influencers get tired and only do it for the money, benefits, and possibly fame. The girl in the opening will reach the end of constantly faking her emotions and want to stop the whole internet act. Overtime the progression will improve to show the girl leaning towards stopping.

Robert Trela and his partner Sil are taking a cool twist with a Sci- Fi opening. They want to have a date like concept at night in Lucille's American Cafe which holds that old, 50's diner feel to it. During the editing process, they want to incorporate holograms that contribute to the sci fi genre. I like this new concept and I think it can do really well if they take time during the editing process and make sure everything looks good and get second opinions on what can be improved.

I ultimately thought the group meetings were a success and I came out with great input that I can apply to my opening :)

Creative Critical Reflection

To end this long awaited journey off, I present my CCR and my last blog for this project. Enjoy :) Alternative link: https://drive.g...