Though COVID-19 is keeping us in quarentine, our group is advancing with our projects so then we can complete our CCR's. Our first choice in the song that we want to include was Sparks by Coldplay since it complements the tone of our video. To be able to use the song in the video Gaby filled a liscense request and submitted it. We waited a while but we needed to begin editing and Corona was making it harder for an email back. I decided to just look for other songs that could still match the tone and give off the same effect. I went to Youtube and did some searching and here were the top selections.
1. Woods- Acoustic Folk/Background Music
Gaby found this song and I thought it was a possible option because it was a soft song and I could see it fit into the happy moments. However, I thought it was more on the country-ish side and was a little too upbeat for the video because our story revolves around a lost parent and their grieving teenager.
2. Tranquility- Chill Lofi Hip Hop Beat
With this soundtrack, we immediately discarded it as soon as the best dropped. We had some hope in the beginning with the slow progression, the subtle beats, and the piano but then 20 seconds in the vibe of the song and the video don't match and we had to keep looking.
3. The simple things- Free Billie Eilish Type Beat
As I was searching, this beat came up on the side bar for recommended videos. It was appealing to me so I clicked it on and instantly felt a connection. With every song, I would put the clips and theme into my head and visualize what it would look and feel like. As soon as I heard the first beat, I was hooked and kept listening more and more until I was half way into the song and knew this was a highly likeable suggestion. I shared with the rest of the group members and we were on board with using this song for the video.
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